Selected Publications

“Cold Snap,” “Pointillism,” “Counting,” West Branch (forthcoming)

“A Fact of Matter,” “Museum,” Salt Hill

“Bricolage,” Mississippi Review

“Multiple Choice: Entropy,” “Narrative Poem,” The Spectacle

“Thanks for Stopping By!” “Steam Bent, We Learn How to Capsize,” Poetry Online

“Out,” Passages North

“Here & Where,” Necessary Fiction

“God Said Let There Be Light & I Said No Thanks,” “Keep & Touch,” Electric Literature

“The Best Way To Contain Heat is To Keep Your Head,” Counterclock

I’m Bored by All This Tenderness,” “Pantoum for the Mars Rover, Not Singing,” Up the Staircase Quarterly

“Seasickness,” Palooka

Honors and Awards

Nominated for Best New Poets 2024

Finalist, Indiana Review Poetry Prize 2023

Honorable Mention, Helen Earnhart Harley Fellowship Award in Poetry 2022 (Ohio State University)

Honorable Mention, Academy of American Poets Award/Arthur Rense Prize 2021 (Ohio State University)